2024-03-07 我能躺下來睡覺了|潘大衛David(台北圓場73歲) 文章整理|林慧真


Good evening everyone I am David, this is my translator. Also happens to be my wife. So obviously, I am foreigner, i’m not from Taiwan. I’m living in United States and I apologize that I don’t speak any Mandarine my wife will translate for me.


I’m here this evening to share my spinal exercise story , and joy to share with you how it in my word miraculously change my life.


So we live in United States. And it was from now about 3~4 years ago we were there, I was walking home one evening, crossing the street , and from out nowhere a car turned the corner in very high speed ran into me. Toss me through the air cause many injury and ended up in hospital.


So I went to a long recovery , which had to consist primarily physical therapy and medication. In the end, my spine was compressed ,four the vertebral brain my spine was compressed, pinching the nerves in the upper area. Impact the entire left side of my body, shoulder and arms and arm down to my legs.

So I went through about 18 months of physical therapy and medication , and there was much improvements, but there was one outstanding problem that I was not able to get pass.


So the thing that I was never ever to recover from with 18 months of physical therapy was I cannot simply lay down and sleep. If I lay down in any position within a matter of minute, my whole body was in so much pain I had to stand up. even sitting up in bed I couldn’t sleep, so I have to train myself to sleep sitting in the chair, like we are now. It was not enjoyable it was not restful. And my life was very difficult.


So my wife come to Taiwan many times , you know once a year, as visit her family. About the same time in 18 months in my injury, I got a call from her one morning. David, she said you must come to Taiwan. I think I have found something that may help you.


So being a good husband, I am , I jumped out of plane I flew to Taiwan, I landed in Taipei, within two hours I was here in the studio with the teacher and others teaching me how to do spinal exercise.


So the teacher and several others spend a few hours teach me to do spine exercise. and that afternoon I get one round of 18 spine exercises.


So we went where my wife’s family was and had dinner. And I decided what to do, to sleep. so I did lie down. I have no other way to explain it, other than it was just miraculous. I was actually able to sleep for eight hours very restfully that night.

So within one day ,really it helped. And has continued to give me a lot of benefits. So I still do it and I enjoy the practice here in the organization and it’s been great for my health .

那天晚上回到家之後,吃過飯睡覺時間到了,就想躺躺看,沒想到居然就睡著了,而且睡了8個小時,真的休息到,真是個是奇蹟! 只用了一天的時間就給給予我幫忙。我持續做脊椎旋轉並加入協會。四年多來,脊椎旋轉對我有很大的幫助。

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